Guid For Authors

In the following text, the instructions for writing an article for the Kateb Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology are described. It is expected that the esteemed authors adhere to the mentioned guidelines in order to better understand the content of the articles presented in the journal.

Kateb Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology accepts articles in the form of research papers, review articles, and rare case reports. The journal aims to publish high-quality articles in the fields of medical sciences, biotechnology, and clinical sciences after a rigorous review process and incorporating the suggested revisions. The journal does not accept articles that lack innovation and are merely translations.

Formatting the Different Sections of the Article

In formatting and writing the different sections of the submitted articles, the Vancouver style of writing should be followed in the following order:

Research Paper Structure: A research paper consists of a Persian and English title, abstract, and keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.

Title Page: The complete title of the article in Persian and English, the name and surname of the authors (without the title of "Dr." and so on), faculty and university or institute of all authors, and the contact email of the corresponding author for communication.

Title (Centered with B Mitra 12)

Authors: First Author, Second Author, Third Author, Fourth Author, etc. (B Mitra 12)

Affiliations (examples):

Faculty Member, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Kateb University, Kabul, Afghanistan (B Mitra 10)

Professor at Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Kateb University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Faculty Member, Faculty of Law, University of Ghargestan, Kabul, Afghanistan

Faculty Member, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: All articles must be accompanied by a structured abstract in Persian and English, with a maximum of 250 words, including separate headings such as background and objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. The abstract should provide a concise summary of the entire article. At the end of the Persian abstract, three to five words titled "Keywords" should be mentioned, which are also included in the article title and abstract. Similarly, at the end of the English abstract, three to five words titled "Keywords" should be mentioned.

Introduction: In this section, the background, significance, and objectives of the research should be explained, along with a summary of relevant studies and observations previously conducted, along with the related references.


Methodology: This section should provide a detailed description of the study design, research method, experimental procedures, and observations. If consumables are used, their complete and manufacturer names should be mentioned in parentheses. When using previous methods, referencing the method is mandatory. In cases where new methods or approaches are used, sufficient information should be provided for others to replicate them if necessary. If a specific drug is used, the generic name, dosage, and method of administration should be mentioned. Furthermore, the study samples, sampling method, target population, research execution stages, and data analysis methods should be described. The statistical tests and computer programs used in the research should also be mentioned.

Results: The findings of the research should be reported in a combination of text, tables, and figures. The contents of the tables and figures should not be duplicated in the text, and it is sufficient to mention the table or figure number in the text. In lengthy articles, for better clarity, subheadings may be used under the Results and Discussion section.

Discussion: This section should emphasize the differences and similarities between the findings of the current study and those of other similar studies. It is not necessary to repeat the details of the findings, but rather focus on new and important aspects of the study and draw conclusions from the findings. It should be mentioned whether the study findings are sufficient to support the hypothesis or hypotheses proposed in the study, or if further studies are needed. A general conclusion, mentioning the major limitations and strengths of the study, is also necessary at the end of this section.

Conclusion: A general conclusion, mentioning the major limitations and strengths of the study, is also necessary at the end of this section.

Acknowledgments: Appreciation should be expressed to all individuals who have contributed to this study but do not meet the sufficient criteria for authorship. These individuals include those who have contributed to the methodology or the writing of the article, or who have provided financial or scientific support to the research. If the research has been conducted using the research budget of an institution or university, the name of that institution or university along with the project registration number should be mentioned at the end of the article.

Tables: A limited number of tables should be provided with titles at the top of the tables, and further explanations should be provided below them.

Figures and Diagrams: Figures or diagrams should be of high quality and provided on separate pages, with their titles mentioned below them. Information should not be repeated simultaneously in tables, diagrams, or figures and in the text.

References List: The reference list should be prepared according to the Vancouver system. The references should be numbered and their details completed according to the provided examples.

Article: Last name, first initial of the author. Complete title of the article. Abbreviated journal name. Publication year; volume(issue): start page-end page.


Abrams AP, Thompson LA. Physiology of aging of older adults: systemic and oral health considerations. Dent Clin North Am. 2014;58(4):729–38.

If the number of authors is more than 6, use "et al." after the sixth author's name.


Seeff LB, Buskell-Bales Z, Wrught EC, Durako SJ, Alter HJ, Iber FL, et al. Long-term mortality after transfusion-associated non-A, non-B hepatitis. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute study group. N Engl J Med. 1992;27:1906-11.

Book: Last name, first initial of the author. Book title. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Publication year: page number.

Kates M. Techniques of Lipidology. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier; 1992. p. 172-5.

Conference Paper:

Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, Editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992:1561-5.

Abbreviations: In the text of the article, any word or phrase that is used as an abbreviation in either Persian or English should be fully stated in parentheses in its first use.

Clinical Trial: For such research, obtaining an informed consent form based on complete patient awareness is necessary whenever possible.

Review Process for Articles: Each article is confidentially reviewed by at least two reviewers who are selected from the scientific board, and the review result based on acceptance, rejection, or need for revision is communicated to the corresponding author. If the article is accepted or after the required revisions are made, it will be scheduled for publication.

Important Notes:

  • The article should be original and research-based, and should not have been previously published elsewhere.
  • The author(s) bear(s) the responsibility for the scientific content of the article.
  • All writing principles and rules should be observed in the text of the article. For example, punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons are attached to the preceding word, and the following word is written with a space. Additionally, an opening parenthesis is attached to the following word, and a closing parenthesis is attached to the preceding word, with a space between them and the surrounding words.
  • Latin names should be placed as footnotes at the bottom of the page.
  • Except for the email address on the first page, there should be no footnotes.
  • The article should be submitted to the journal office in both Word and PDF formats.

Email for communication with scientific research journals: [email protected]


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