Dopaminergic pathway and athletic mind

Abbas Ali Ramozi , Ali Ahmad Yousefi , Rohullah Roein , Sayed Abulqasem Baqeri


Purpose: we reviewed that the mental fatigue is influenced by dopamine depletion, and we assume that increasing DA level can increase athletic stamina and promote athletic performance after prolong exercise.

Methods: The search strategy was according to key words contain, Mental fatigue , Decision making , Dopamine, Stroboscope training through the Google scholar, PubMed, and Elsevier. Among the literatures, 100 papers include review and original articles were studied. Finally, we decided to select 49 papers based on similarity and recent studies so more than 50 percent of papers were excluded, because of they were out of date or irrelevant to key words.

Results: Based on many studies, it was found dopamine has an essential role on athletic performance and his stamina.

Conclusion: The stroboscope vision training in sports could enhance the dopaminergic neurons and associated visuo-motor skills.

Key words: Dopamine, dopaminergic projection, mental fatigue, decision making


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